Here are a few fun facts surrounding National Tooth Fairy Day from the National Day Today site! National Tooth Fairy Day takes place biannually on February 28th and August 22nd.
Legends and stories of ‘’tooth fairies’’ date back as far as 13th century England. Accounts have changed and varied over the years, but one thing is certain, children and parents can attest that the mystery and wonder of the modern-day Tooth Fairy have helped comfort and reward children as they lose their baby teeth. Tales even encourage children to take good care of their teeth to make sure they have good ones to leave for the fairy. A little monetary exchange or reward for said teeth makes the transition from baby teeth to adult teeth a bit more exciting and less concerning to little ones.
The amount the Tooth Fairy leaves has changed over the years due to inflation and it can vary by zip code. So, little ones, please don’t compare your reward to your friends. It is meant for you, after all, not them. When I was a child, I received a $2 bill for my first tooth and then a quarter each after that. My children received a $2 bill and 2 $1 gold coins for their first and then $2 each after that. Also, please remember you should have about 20 baby teeth to lose, so that can really add up over time. Save your rewards or spend them wisely. That is for you to choose.
Dr. Vicki Leonhart